Thursday, February 26, 2009

Coffee Cup Wisdom

Wisdom is a funny thing, well fickle I think is a better term. Wouldn't it be nice if every morning wisdom left you a little note! Nothing to fancy just something taped to the refrigerator door that leaves you with that feeling that you are just a little bit smarter, or a little bit more in tuned with the world around you, something to give you that "AH-HA" feeling! Unfortunately that's not the way Wisdom likes to work. Wisdom is never consistent in where you will find it, kinda like that lost sock from the dryer that likes to appear randomly. Sometimes it shows up in a great book, or from a parent or child and as much as we don't like to admit it, it even likes to show up in our favorite TV shows. But tonight Wisdom decided to appear to me in a less then likely location.......Here's my story.......

Its 7:30 pm, I'm seated in the second row, leaning against the wall of my Spanish 201 class. Instead of paying attention I'm daydreaming (do you call it daydreaming at night?) of the fabulous weekend I'm going to have while sipping on my double shot latte from Starbuck's. Yes, I know having a double shot latte is insane at 7:30 pm but the caffeine is the only thing that makes learning at 7:30 at night enjoyable! Soon I become saddened because my heavenly drink has come to an end, but to my surprise I see the words "The way I see it" on the side of my cup. Thrilled that I don't have to start paying attention just yet I eagerly remove the cardboard cup holder and begin to read the wisdom of quote #26!....Here's what it said.......

"Failure's hard, but success is far more dangerous. If you're successful at the wrong things, the mix of praise and money and opportunity can lock you in forever."--Po Bronson

This quote really hit home for me. Personally, I'm going to be graduating in May with a B.S. in Business Management and I'm TERRIFIED! Not only because the economy is teetering on the edge of a deep dark cliff and I may have to take a $10 an hour job with a degree, but more because we all dream of being successful at something we love. Time flies and before you know it you may be successful but at what cost? Did you lose your way? Did you forget who you were? Are you no longer the happy person you once were? It just made me realize that when people ask me what I want to do, I should have a real answer not just an "I don't know." I should really know what I want to do so I am successful at all the right stuff and never the wrong!

So my message to all of you in Blogger Land....take a moment and look at your life and make sure that what you are doing is whats right and not whats right, right now! Because even success can be negative and that will follow you or "lock" you in forever! Take it or leave it, but today wisdom came to ME on a coffee cup!


  1. Great words of wisdom. Here's hoping you find your way to the right path for you after graduation.

  2. This reminds me of something I read on a friend's blog.
    "Our dreams, our high hopes voyaging far and wide bring sheer delight to many, to many others--- delusion, blithe mindless lusts and the fraud steals on one slowly unaware, 'till he trips and puts his foot into the fire."

  3. I meant to say I'm visiting from Ann's VGNO. Hi!

  4. Fabulous post for today..very uplifting message..i could not agree with you more..thanks for something to think about..i do believe you should love what your should be a passion..not just something you have to do to get by..if everyone lived by this rule there would be alot more happier people out there.ta ta for now

  5. Awesome post :) cool words of wisdom. And as soon as I saw word Coffee (coffee junkie speaking here) LOL I had to come over :)

  6. Thank you for that! It is definitely a pearl of wisdom. My family has been working very hard to get our life exactly the way we want. But we need to remember that what we have is fabulous too.

  7. Thank you for the wisdom filled post! I love it!

  8. Great words of wisdom - I love that they came on the side of a coffee cup! :)

    Happy VGNO! ;)

  9. Stopping in from the VGNO. Awesome post. Amazing what a cup of coffee can do for you. Just keep going onward and upward from here. I've always said, for myself, "I should be where I'm supposed to be by 40". I'm Happy to say that I am and I'm still relearning my self.

  10. Stopping in from VGNO as well. Well said, sister! I think I'm gonna follow you. You had some great pearls of wisdom there!

  11. What a great post. Very thought provoking. I think I need a cup of coffee from Starbucks and a little inspiration like that!

    Stopping by from Ann's VGNO party to say hi!

  12. You make me wish I was a coffee drinker.

    Happy VGNO!

  13. Me again from GNO this time :)

  14. Excellent words of wisdom!! Something to make me think. Happy friday night, and enjoy your weekend.

  15. Hello from VGNO. Very nice post and something I went through 3 years ago when I chose to balk at a career in opera to be a SAHM? "Am I doing the right thing for the long haul? Will I regret my decision in 10 years?" This internal dialogue that you are having is great. Keep it up and don't be surprised or frustrated if you answers keep changing. It's a process, not an event.

  16. great words! I like that quote. I've never got too caught up in salary or what not. I'm just doing what I feel called to do (social work). I knew going in that I wasn't going to make a ton of money in this line of work.

  17. I am following now from Beautiful!Fabulous!
    Great post!
